Hunk Of The Week: Fezile Dhlamini

Tell us more about yourself?
Mmm... where do I start??? Well my government name is Fezile Dhlamini and my name to many on social media it's Audio Skillz. I'm just a guy that's running with the bulls, looking at making his own to survive is the gully world that we live in. A top notch non-shit taker from randoms and very friendly once you get to know me. Oh! And I'm complicated-not-so-complicated, I also do cool things for a living.
You started out studying law at Rhodes and changed to cooperate communication at Uj, what made you decide to change? And your parents reaction?
 It's a chapter in my life where after I left I threw myself in the deep end and taught myself how swim again. In the beginning I was doing law because of my highly educated parents who pressured me into doing it. It was my first time being that far away from home to do me for a while. Long story short, I started selling t-shirts I was designing and made good money from that, I was a DJ which led to me being a radio DJ and radio producer.
Life was like Inception, I fell in love with this new communications world and I wanted people to experience life like I did in my imagination.
The parents weren't happy at all, they lost the privilege of saying "my son is a 
lawyer/advocate...". we have moved on now.
You are the UJ blackberry ambassador for two years in a row congrats. What made you decide to run again for the position?
Thank you.
Moving back to JHB and having the state of mind where I felt that I don't want to fully depend on my parents, there's somewhere I want to take my career and that I have the potential to be anything all I have to do is apply my mind; I knew that I have to start again with it all and somewhere.
Working for BlackBerry really made me to believe in myself again and give me an extra push to be the influential person that I am and to keep growing. Working for BlackBerry for one, is that it will open doors for you. Since I've worked for BlackBerry I have worked with other big brands, travelled a bit, worked with other great individuals and seen the real world in terms of the degree that I'm studying. Doing it again is because I understand the line of work and I love working for the brand
For many of us who are clueless, tell us more what you do as a UJ blackberry ambassador?
What I do is sponsor events, be the Cool that I am, come up with activation concepts, give real talent in street culture the platform to express themselves, build a brand, discover and rediscover the new cool, live the brand, speak the brand, assist people with any queries they have about the brand or their devices and most importantly give people an experience. 

You are one of the founders of project zoo loo, tell us more about it and the brands/clients that you work with?
ZooLoo Concepts was founded by myself and my cousin Sihle Hato. We started out with wanting to develop apps, which is still our core focus, then we had to find ways on generating capital which  was going to be through events (brand activations to be exact).
We have worked with BlackBerry, GALXBOY, Liquid Chefs (SOS) and Collected Effort. Currently we're restructuring ZooLoo Concepts and want to take baby steps. What I learnt was that "you can't host a concert without having hosted a braai".
If your house burnt down, what will be the 5 things that you would try to save and why?
My BlackBerry because I need to twitpic and BC that I'm homeless, laptop because it has all of my valuable work, Bible because it was a gift from my mother, my life because I value it and my school bag because it has all my books.
So are you single?
Fortunately not.
So what type of girl are you looking for?
I have found what I've been yearning to have in my life.
So what would you say is the sexiest part of your body?
My Pe... Nvm just joking. lol

What do you find sexy in a women?
Her state of mind, the way she carries herself, her toes and her ability to make me laugh and smile.
Which living celebrity/author/singer would you like to have dinner with and an in depth conversation with and why?
Author: Nick Vujicic. He has no limbs and he is a made man through being an inspirational speaker.
Artist: Kanye West. His a Grammy award winning artist and he is on his own level of thinking which would make it interesting as I try to pick knowledge from his brain.
Fictional Character: Harvey Spectre. He's like older version of me which I would like to become. Have no limits and do me till I get the job done right and my way.
That's about it.
What is your ideal vacation?
Paris has to be it. After my family vacationed there a few years ago I saw a world I'd love to live in for the rest of my life. But would have preferred to vacate there in the 1920s where the country was all about literature and art.

Whats your favorite fashion item for winter?
A good looking sweater/jersey.
Complete the sentence…
Girls who wear leggings are… need to have booty and are asking for my attention, and probably go to UJ.
Many girls need to stop... liking things and stop thinking that doing the peace sign with their legs for guys with money will bring them peace.

Choose one.

Boxers or briefs?
Ass or boobs?
Ass. (I'm black so it's not negotiable)
Weaves or natural hair?
Natural hair.
Kfc or chicken licken?
Chicken Licken
South park, family guy or the simpson?
South Park. (kids that swear are cool)
So whats next for Fezile Dhlamini?

Do good work for BlackBerry, excel in my academics, change a few lives and hopefully get head hunted by an organisation that sees no limit in my creative abilities. 

follow him on twitter: @AudioSkillz
to findout more about project zooloo

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