Honey of the Week: Allegro Dinkwanyane

Tells us more about yourself?
Well… I’m a 23 year old “simple” Pedi girl, raised in both Polokwane and Pretoria. I love the media industry, hence I followed my dream of becoming a Journalist/media personality and I am my own boss. I laugh a lot, I feed off sarcasm and contrary to popular belief I’m an introvert!
What inspired you to start orgella online?
I’ve always wanted to have something of my own and the idea of Orgella was born when I was still in high school. I remember scribbling down my dreams in a notepad that I still carry around even today. After realizing that my name could be read backwards, I knew that’s what I would call my company one day. I didn’t really know how the whole Orgella thing would turn out but I knew I wouldn’t box myself. When I launched the website, a lot of people questioned my abilities and the idea behind it but I knew what I wanted so I was not bothered.
You recently started orgella PR, why such a bold move to start you own PR company and who are some of the clients you represent?
The company is Orgella and everything else that you know of so far e.g. Orgella Entertainment, Orgella Helping Hands, Orgella Media and Orgella Communications have always been part of the plan. It’s just another division of the empire I’m trying to build. I majored in Communications at University so it came naturally too. I love working with artists and clients that are passionate about their brands, it makes my job a little easier too. In total Orgella has 10 entities but I’m focusing on one at a time and when the time is right I’l launch the next one and so forth.
Orgella Communications client list include DJ Infinix, actress Mbali Mlotshwa and more including corporate clients like Heineken and others.
How do you mostly spend your free time from your busy schedule?
In the kitchen, cooking and baking. Cooking is my therapy, I love it and it’s funny because half the things I cook I barely eat, I just love cooking for friends and hosting them. I also have a tendency of locking myself inside my apartment the whole weekend just to catch up on some reading or a few movies.
If your house burnt down, what will be the 5 things that you would try to save and why?
1.       My family photo album that has photos of my late grandmother and my entire family and loved ones.
2.       My Usher “OMG Tour” book that he personally gave to me.
3.       My scrapbook! My entire teenage life is in that book, LOL!
4.       And my Marilyn Monroe portrait that hangs on my passage wall.
5.       And if I could squeeze in a 5tht item it would be my favourite pair of Christian Louboutins that I got on my 21st
So what would you say is the sexiest part of your body?
*giggles* …my eyes and firm boobs!
By Leeroy Jason www.75.co.za-twiggle

What would be your questions to ask on a first date?
Where do you work? Do you go to go to church? Believe in God? Goals?
What are your bad habits?
I’m stubborn and you can blame that on my star sign “Taurus”. I’m also impatient with stupid people. I’m such a D.I.Y girl, so I’ve never really been good at waiting on someone to do something for me.

On love and relationships.
Are you single? If you are whats your ideal man?
Hmmm… My ideal man would be Usher’s clone! LOL! Seriously though, I need someone who’s decisive, hardworking, ambitious, God-Fearing and family orientated. He must be able to keep me on my toes, I wouldn’t want to feel like I’m the only strong person in the relationship, I need a challenge!
Would you rather follow your heart or your head?
None! I go with my gut, it’s always been my compass.
Do you think the past matters in a relationship?
By Leeroy Jason www.75.co.za-twiggle
It does but it shouldn’t entire define your future. It’s something to look back at as either a blessing or a lesson.
Have you ever regretted one of your ‘romantic encounters’?
I don’t date much and if I told you the number of boyfriends I’ve had since I started dating you’d swear I’m lying. So no, no regrets thus far and I plan on having none whatsoever!
Do you believe in soul mates?
Oh yes! I’m a hopeless romantic and sucker for love. Some people are just meant to be together but not all of us will end up with our soul mates”
What do you think about unfaithfulness in a relationship?
It’s a weakness and it tends to happen more often these days that both men and women take it as a norm. Lust is the catalyst and if you are weak, you’ll find yourself being unfaithful.
What’s your thought on marriage, do you believe in it and do you ever want to be married?
I believe in marriage and yes I would love to get married to the man f my dreams in reality and start our own little family. But I also believe that marriage is not for everyone. Not everyone is going to get married and that’s just life.
Which living celebrity/author/singer would you like to have dinner with and an in depth conversation with and why?
I’d love to dine with Usher and whisper sweet nothings to him all night… hehehe! On the real though, I think he’s an amazing artist and humble human being.
What is your ideal vacation?
I love islands and being surrounded by nature. Mauritius, Barbados and I also love the thought of Hawaii too.    
Do you have a favorite movie?
I have 3! I’m a sucker for action movies and my best to date is “Face Off” starring John Travolta and Nicholas Cage. It’s a THRILLING movie! “Fast & Furious 6” which I recently watched was also amazing and “The Great Debaters” for me brought out the great actor that is Denzel Washington.
What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?
Moving out of my mother’s house at 21 and practicing my independence and fending for myself!
What are you looking for in a relationship? In the long term or short term?
By Leeroy Jason www.75.co.za-twiggle
I’m looking for someone crazy, someone who will make me laugh a lot. I’m looking for a bad boy with a good heart. Someone I can pray for and with and someone who I can argue with and hold a decent debate without breaking down.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I’m too loyal for my own good sometimes and I’m not that girl that goes for revenge. I’m a faithful believer of Karma.
What are your expectations in a man?
I expect him to be a MAN, MY man!

Complete this
What pisses me of the most is…. People that take my kindness for granted!
Guys with dreadlocks are…… Hot! e.g Future
Guys really need to stop…… sagging their pants! I don’t wanna see your ass!

And whats next for you? God willing, all my short and long term goals will be achieved. Hard work and success awaits. 

you can check out her blog: orgella online
twitter: @Allegro_D

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