Rage : gaming and techno expo celebrates 10years

the crowd at this years rage event

on friday the 5th of October 2012, i decided to make my way to the cocal cola dome in north gate for the annual rage gaming and techno expo. Which was held from friday till sunday, i only managed to attend the friday and saturday event. The rage gaming and techno expo is South Africas largest gameing expo which is organised by gaming magazine NAG. Won't lie not really a big gaming fan, decided again to get out of my comfort zone yet again and tried something new. The rage gaming and techno expo was celebrating its 10 years running here in South Africa. it was bigger than previous years the crowd even bigger.

The expo allows visitors to get hands-on experience with the ground-breaking developments in this dynamic sector. rages plays host to international game developers who come all the way from the UK and USA to talk about their latest games with visitors to the show.rage also features a number of behind-closed-doors games where visitors must queue to see game footage that isn’t for public consumption. All these cool features bring  rage into line with other international gaming conventions.

this years event was bigger and better than the previous years, with over 80 exibitors at this years event, with big brands like 8ta, telkom, x-box, EA games, playstation, ninetendo games to name a few, were all showing off their latest gadgest and games. The big game that everyone was playing was the latest fifa 13 that has'nt been launched here in South Africa, so we had the chance to play it before hand.

the rage expo owes its year-on-year growth and success in no small part to the marketing and advertising campaigns executed extensively across print, broadcast, digital and outdoor media leading up to the date of the expo. These campaigns are supported by comprehensive public relations, promotions, and branding strategies that instigate and bolster awareness through the use of established media partnerships. Social networking has received increased marketing focus for the expo in recent years. The PR company in-charge is The Lime Envelope, with other patners being soweto Tv who were the media patners, Logic Intelligent Logistics who were the Event Project Management team, VCManagement of NAG LAN.

the editor of NAG magazine and senior project manager of rage Michael James

me at the press lounge
for more information about the event go to http://www.rageexpo.co.za/about-rage/

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  1. This gaming and techno expo goes to show that a well planned event will always be successful no matter how much the capacity of people there are. I mean with big brands like Telkom and Playstation it must have been well-advertised.

    1. it was well advertised, they are big brands. the PR and marketing work was genious

  2. I can tell with the pictures that this was exciting.

    1. we all had a good time, it was fun, wheather you into games or not you would have enjoyed

  3. it looked like it was an awesome event, wow an event that is dedicated to the gamers that is a clever concepy

  4. i didnt know about this event, the south african gaming market is growing, and if they can pull this of

    1. it has really grown, it was packed to the max at the venue

  5. It looks like it was a great event.i looked at the magazine they issued at the event and the computers with the technolgy to play those games are way expensive.thats the only problem some of will not be able to play those games
