INTERVIEW: Stephina Zwane and Salamina Mosese SORELE MEDIA OWNERS

SORELE MEDIA, a vibrant 100% female-owned African media content company has taken a leap into the evolving digital media space by launching AzaTV. AzaTV is an online TV platform that aims to deliver the very best in entertainment, lifestyle, talk and inspirational content to Africans by Africans.

The powerhouse combination of media personalities Stephina Zwane and Salamina Mosese are passionate about providing alternatives to media consumption and distribution; in line with industry and market trends. “Aza TV is not only about breaking new ground, but also about answering some of the world’s best questions about Africa,” says director and co-founder Salamina Mosese.

1. First and foremost we would to congratulate and wish Sorele Media the best on their new venture. Who is Sorele Media and Whats Aza tv?
Sorele Media is a media content company and we recently launched AzaTV, an online platform for Africans by Africans. Aza is derived from the Swahili word meaning Powerful. 

2. What motivated and inspired Sorele Media to go into digital tv and any distinctive features that sets Aza TV apart from its rivals?
The online space is an interesting space to play in because it is still relatively new and there is lots of room to play. We are passionate about media alternatives and providing different ways for people to be able to consume their favourite content. 

3. As digital media is and the future for broadcasting in Africa what are the challenges and how is Aza Tv is going to curb them?
Data and the reluctance from people not wanting to use all their data watching content online, will always be a challenge. So players in the space need to think out of the box and find innovative ways of getting people to consume the material. 

3. As content is a pillar between the network and viewers what kind of content should we accept from Aza Tv and why you chose that route?

We have four channels with Lifestyle, Talk, Entertainment and Inspirational. Under lifestyle  we have two shows a medical show called Sorare, which spotlights rare diseases. The other show under lifestyle looks at what happens on the street corners we all drive past daily. Under the entertainment channel we have a music show and we have two talk shows called The Sit Down and Yummy Mammi. The inspirational channel has Hope Architects, where motivational speakers give messages of hope

4. Most of the content on broadcasting platforms is influenced by western programs is Aza Tv going the same route to gain a fan base?
We only showcase originally produced content, at the moment its all produced in-house and at a later stage, our viewers are going to enjoy content from different producers from across the continent. 

5. The Broadcasting industry in Africa is at the beginning stage compared to its counter continental rivals, this has seen low quality content material how is Aza TV going to combat such content?
We produce our own content, and will only host originally produced content on the platform. This is how we ensure that quality is up to a certain standard.

6. Reaching potential viewers is one of your important objectives, which channels and routes has the network taken?
We are online 24 hours a day and are running different campaigns on social media. But we also have plans to collaborate with producers from across the continent. All of this is in process at the moment. 

7. Collaborations have proven to be a success avenue to access different markets, any collaborations?
The team that we have brought on-board are young bright minds who have worked in different spheres, and this has proved to be very successful. Other than that we have not collaborated with anyone else, but are of course always open for such relationships to be explored. 

8. Aza Tv might be a platform for young producers with content concept across the continent but presentation quality can compromise the inception. Is there any form of mentoring available to preserve and guide those with ambition?
We are looking to also go into co-development and co-production partnerships, where we will oversee the production quality elements and advise where necessary. 

9.Launching such project is a huge step for the company, what can you advise those with same aspirations?
It took a long time to get the project off the ground. A lot goes into launching something of this magnitude. We would advice people to really do their homework and have the patience to keep going especially when things become difficult. Make sure also that you are doing something that you are passionate about. 

10. Any signature tag line you would like to share with The Guide Family?
AaTV- Watch the renaissance

Aza TV will host both originally-produced content and at a later stage content bought from producers across the continent, to appeal to a vast audience. Shows such as Aza Muzika; Yummy Mammi and The Sit Down will ensure that viewers have access to relevant and authentic shows right at the tip of their fingers.

Watch the renaissance as Aza TV goes live on -  

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