Fashion stylist is the job title of someone who selects the clothing for published editorial features, print or television advertising campaigns, music videos, concert performances, and any public appearances made by celebrities, models or other public figures. Stylists are often part of a larger creative team assembled by the client, collaborating with the fashion designer, photographer/director, hair stylist and makeup artist to put together a particular look or theme for the specific project. . According to one view, "Stylists are the people who push each celebrity to make the best dressed list," and assist with editorial photo shoots.

This week we chat to one of Johannesburgs Top stylist Honey Makwakwa. She has been in the Game for years and working with some of joburgs top celebrities and brands. She gives us the low down about her exciting career. 

Tell us about yourself, where you from?
I am from Mpumalanga originally that is where I was born, but I was bred in Joburg.
How would you describe what you do?
Telling stories. Everything I do is story telling. I use words, clothes and visuals.
How did you get started?
I started sewing when I was ten. By the time I was fifteen I had clothes in stores and when I matriculated I had taken my first steps towards becoming a stylist. It took a very long time for me to figure out what it is I actually wanted to do but I eventually accepted the seemingly inevitable pathetic towards styling.
What do you like and dislike about your job?
The hours and times lines.
What is most challenging about what you do?
Interpreting visions.

What made you decide to pursue a career in fashion?
It feels almost like I didn't have a choice, I tried to do other things. I forced my way into advertising but I just kept finding myself being pushed in this direction. Like my creative director would say “you're a good copy writer but I swear you'd be an amazing fashion person, anything you do in fashion would top this.” So I gave up my fight and accepted this path.  
How did your parents react to you wanting to be a stylist and perusing a career in fashion?
Their ideal was an office job. They don't see the security in what I do. There isn't any. But that doesn't bother me.
How has it been like being a stylist and which clients and celebrities have you worked with?
I learn more with every assignment. No two jobs are the same. I love working with individuals who have vision and I'm blessed to do this in my work. The most recent celebrity I worked with was Yvonne Chaka Chaka.

How would you describe your personal fashion style?
Eclectic. I mostly find myself in very pared-down androgynous silhouettes with a splash on African flair. I don't even know when that happened though, I used to be all heels and twirly skirts but Instagram doesn't lie.
Where do you see yourself in 5years time?
In a position to exercise creative freedom across any canvas of my choosing from film, editorial, the written word and even architecture.
It was fashion week last week, which items would you it’s a must to have in your closet for summer?
My schedule didn't permit me to see fashion week for maybe the third year since I decided it would be my religion. But my must haves for summer are tailored metallics, sport luxe sheers and interesting flats.
Where are you favorite places to shop for budget buys?
Mr Prices’ Clear outs branch on the corner of Nugget and Albertina Sisulu in the Joburg CBD.

Complete the sentence
Fashion is temporary.
Style is a timeless personal stamp.
Trends are passing.  
My favourite style icons are any person who loves how they look naked. Confidence is the best kind of style.
The four things I cant live without lip balm, hand cream. Hats and shoes.
My favourite fashion brands are still being founded. I think the best is yet to come and it will come from Africa.

What items do you have to splurge on? Bags. Anything that isn't well made or at least genuine leather will only break or fall apart.
What is your favorite item in your closet? Right now? My new summer hat. It's staw but it's very high drama, it elevates everything I wear it with.
Which celebrities would you say urgently need your services: hahaha! Oh it's a toughie. I generally think locally we have yet to understand personal style choices as brand building beyond creating the image of beauty pageantry. Really then it's anyone under 35 who recently wore a ball gown to an event that wasn't their matric dance.
What advice would you give to young teens wanting to pursue a career in the fashion industry?
Get experience. Intern. Work in retail, offer your services in whatever strengths you have to whomever you can. Then when you matriculate, do your research thoroughly then choose an appropriate course of study and prepare to work hard it's 90% grit and only 10% glamour.
What in next for you? More work in film and advertising and hopefully in front of the camera too!
If someone is looking for your services, how can they reach you?

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