OppiKoppi turns 21 this year and the lineup for the festival is fast becoming very impressive
170 artists over 6 and a half stages thats what you can expect these year at Oppikoppi
" "Moma couldn’t
hear the pretty music". But back then there were no number 11 compliant
10m high speaker stacks ready to pump rock ’n roll straight at your heart. We
have that now. And madam, we are quite intent on using it. Again.
Rock ’n roll is good.
OppiKoppi turns 21 this year and the lineup for the festival is fast becoming one of the most impressive and diverse in the festival’s history. Mixing lots of fresh new faces extracted from a brand new generation, with some South African and international legends. And of course doing this, using almost every genre this country has to offer. Even choir tunes make an unrehearsed appearance this year. It really is a private moment of joy for any tune fanatic to just read and think through the full lineup. Just think for a moment, for instance, about the internationally acclaimed wonderlust kings Gogol Bordello (US) on the same stage as Johnny Clegg. Or Robin Auld on the same stage as Karen Zoid. Or the super sophisticated power jazz trio Tatran (IL) on the same stage as Shortstraw.
And rock ’n roll is true.
And rock ’n roll has a good chance of saving a small piece of South Africa. If only for a few days each year.
So from the 7th to the 9th of August, why don’t you take some time off and dive into the dusty ocean of tunes, friends and freedom in the little Forbidden City we know so well.
OppiKoppi turns 21 this year and the lineup for the festival is fast becoming one of the most impressive and diverse in the festival’s history. Mixing lots of fresh new faces extracted from a brand new generation, with some South African and international legends. And of course doing this, using almost every genre this country has to offer. Even choir tunes make an unrehearsed appearance this year. It really is a private moment of joy for any tune fanatic to just read and think through the full lineup. Just think for a moment, for instance, about the internationally acclaimed wonderlust kings Gogol Bordello (US) on the same stage as Johnny Clegg. Or Robin Auld on the same stage as Karen Zoid. Or the super sophisticated power jazz trio Tatran (IL) on the same stage as Shortstraw.
Only at OppiKoppi can you really get down and dirty. Here are a few nice ways
to make the weekend unforgettable (For you, or your friends):
(Side note: remember that rock 'n roll memories are earned, they don’t just
fall in your lap. Or not every night)
Naked Run
The OppiKoppi 1000 Naked Run Dash has become an annual institution bursting
(sic) from its collective seams. Various Categories: Au Naturel, Dress Up,
Dress Down. We are even working on a relay round. Pack your running shoes and a
friend and you could have your name(s) immortalized in sand. You have until the
morning of the race to register your team. Join the growing peloton of freedom
Vos Run
Equally important has become the tribe of dress up characters of wild
descriptions. Anything goes or has gone. Bring your cape. Fly.
Reasonably Grand Parade
Hear ye, Hear Ye! Introducing for the first time ever: Reasonably Grand Parade.
Collecting all the characters, dust bowl prophets, players and dancers.
Everyone who looks like are having or have had a good time. Late afternoon on
Sunday, starting in Mordor finishing in front of the main stage. Look out for
details at the festival.
Northam se Uitgewasde Seunskoor (Vir Mans en Vrouens)
Once in a lifetime, once in a dustbowl. Almost like Brigadoon for rock ’n roll
kids. A choir of 30 semi professional singers will join Francois van Coke on
Main Stage.
Campfire songs
Introducing the first ever campfire song initiative. Look out for choristers
and provocateurs during the festival.
Couch Competition
For many years a campfire couch has been the ultimate collector’s piece. The
tradition will proudly live on. Best couches are selected to see selected sets
from the main stage. Dress yours well and make sure they are well placed to be
spotted by our incognito judges.
Other things to look out for at the festival - Oppikoppi Comedy, Poetry Free
For All, Ons Kleintjie readings and more.
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